Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tyson Homecoming Dance


The Moseley's said...

What a handsome boy!! It's hard to believe school dances already. Tyson you're awsome! I'm so proud of you and I love you tons!!!

Love you Nana

Cami good job on the blog so far! I love it.

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Cami!!!! I found your blog through Lindy's. I haven't seen you FOREVER!!! I cannot believe your boys. I remember holding Tyson as a baby. I was telling the girls the other day how much I used to loved being driven around in your CRX!!!! I miss you!!!

Amy said...

no kidding... these darn kids are growing up way tooo fast! Tyson looks pretty spiffy all dressed up.. fun times!! Haven't seen you guys in a long long time! I miss coming over and hanging out all the time.. are you and Rick at the same house??

Penny said...

Cami, since when did you have a blog? Nobody told me and I just ran on to it from Amy's blog. How fun to see Tyson. I just love that kid. I saw him at the hospital when Em had her surgery. It was so fun to talk to him. What a great kid he is, and handsome, too!